I like to tell people my first concert was Elvis Costello, my first tape I didn’t “share with my sister” was Led Zeppelin “IV” and that the first band I collected as a band was Van Halen. This is all true, but lucky for me ’cause it still sounds kinda cool. (It took a while for “Seven and the Ragged Tiger” but I knew it would come around.)
But the truth of the matter is — and it took the filesharing program of LimeWire to remind me of this — that the first band I was obsessed with as a youth was Hall & Oates.
I remember “Kiss Is On My List” rocking my 5 year old world back in the day. And what was funny was that H&O had so many hits, I thought *every* good song was by them. (I still remember my sister betting me a thousand dollars that “Keep On Loving You” was by REO Speedwagon, not H&O.)
Anyway, as far as I am concerened, H&O are still fan-fucking-tastic.