This episode has a lot going for it. Action in the Neutral Zone, angry Romulans, a malfunctioning ship, multiple ticking clocks, mythical cultures, La Forge thrown around in the Turbolift, advanced technology. I love everything about it except one thing I just can’t accept — bad, bad decision-making. Picard is usually such a smart guy, why would he go further into the Neutral Zone to the exact spot the Yamoto started having tech troubles? Now, in retrospect, it was the correct thing to do for the story and it winds up saving the day. But all the information he had at the point of this decision says DO NOT GO THERE! He goes there, basically, because he thinks there’s some personal glory there (or at least he can honor his dead comrade’s personal glory) which is a very un-Picard move. I’m just saying is all.
Also, his decision to blow up the super technology so’s the Romulans can’t get it. That’s kinda harsh. He’s not in a position to beam it back – but maybe stash it for a bit in the hopes of getting it later. Or letting La Forge down there to pick up a few pointers?