
This movie is nonstop plot and, I bet, if I bothered to stop and scrutinize I’d find things to dislike. I won’t do that to myself. This movie is sooooo much juicy fun. One of the best CRIME SURE AS SHIT DOESN’T PAY tales I’ve ever seen. Philip Seymour Hoffman and Ethan Hawke are absolutely terrific as they get further and further into disaster. The flash back-flash forward (which I am pretty sick of as a rule) works wonders here. Minor complaints: Marisa Tomei, who looks darned fine as she ages, is a terrible actress. I can only imagine what takes *weren’t* used. Was she always this bad? Her close-ups distract from the rest of the film, because she is so terrible — luckily she doesn’t have much to do. Another complaint: why was this shot on video? Shots of windows look all digital and one whole sequence was blanched out from some weird exposure. Sid, you’re a hundred and six years old? Why not dance with the girl you came with?