Y’know, this is a really great story — and a great looking film, but I find Spencer Tracy so friggin’ boring that I just started losing interest. I know many people consider him a great actor, but I hate him and I’ve always hated him. I can tolerate him when he is playing a stuffed shirt in, say, “Woman of the Year,” but here, as a the noble hero. . .I really wanted Ernset Borgnine to run his ass over the road and for his car to blow up. But if you are Tracy-neutral, you’ll dig this movie. Lee Marvin is in it, too. . .and he kicks ass.
This was a great film. It was my first MoMA film almost 15 years agao. I never thought I’d like a film like that – American, pre 1970’s, kinda slow, etc. But I was changed. I believe the theme of the exhibit was trains and train stations in films. There were some great stills to go with it.