Richard Clarke, a Republican, refuses to perpetuate lies. Richard Clarke, a war hawk, sees the stupidity of invading Iraq when we should have been focusing on Afghanistan. Richard Clarke gets criticized by Condoleeza Rice who refuses to testify to the 9/11 commission depsite being repeatedly asked to. Richard Clarke, who took one for the team ’cause his bosses asked him to and he spoke on background for a news briefing, has had his words twisted around by “Fair and Balanced” Fox News.
But his testimony today, which I watched in full on C-SPAN 3 without any CNN or Fox (or NPR) spin, showed him as an honest man. He is also the only political figure I can think of who apologized for the failure to prevent 9/11. Bob Kerrey, a man who, I think, really wants to be genuine (and is looking spectacular for an ’08 candidate should the other Kerry fail) took a deep breath and quickly realized that no one in the public spotlight has used the word “apology” before.
Richard Clarke has jumped past John McCain and Michael Bloomberg on my short list of Republicans who aren’t vile scum.
(And meanwhile G.W. Bush makes lame “where are the WMD?” jokes at the correspondence dinner. “F” W.)