
I watched this movie all alone and still broke into applause. When the movie was over I putzed around my apartment doing other things then realized there was nothing I could be doing that might be better than watching this movie again.

Neil Young is completely on top of his game right now. His Living With War is fifty-something minutes of pure catharsis. His film Greendale was, if nothing else, a remarkable achievement. And his Prairie Wind show, documented here, is some of the most emotional music I’ve ever heard. Written months after Young’s father’s death and days before going in for brain aneurysm surgery, Prairie Wind is like a country-folk “A La Recherche de Temps Perdu.” And a lot easier to get through.

More than almost any other artist, I go through heavy Neil Young moods. Ann always kinda makes fun of me because when this happens I will listen to ONLY Neil Young. I will usually go first for the heavy Tonights The Night, Ragged Glory, Live Rust-type stuff, but what is so wonderful about Neil is that he has always had toes in two pools. This film, therefore, works in wonderful counterpoint with Year of the Horse, Jim Jarmusch’s lo-fi ode to Crazy Horse.